Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aerial view of Bloomfield River

An aerial view of Bloomfield River
showing the location of the Land for Sale

The Coast Road Cairns to Cooktown via Bloomfield river

The Coast Road runs from Cairns to Cooktown through the pristine Daintree rainforest. As drives go the Coast Road is off the scale. You can look forward to river crossings and picturesque waterways, magnificent beaches & rugged mountains. You can also look forward to getting stuck if you don't have a 4WD (or you aren't a passenger in someone else’s). The bituman ends at Cape Trib.

Bloomfield Track, north from Cape Tribulation

The Bloomfield Track is 28ks of mostly 4WD dirt track through the Daintree Rainforest just north of Cape Tribulation. The track traverses several creeks and river crossings and including some steep climbs and descents. These steep parts have all been concreted over the past few years and are not the challenge they once where in the Wet.

The Bloomfield Track was built to connect Bloomfield to Cape Tribulation in the early eighties and was the scene of a major confrontation with conservationists who opposed the road.
It is now a popular drive for tourists wanting to see a bit of spectacular costal country in their 4WD as well as in everyday use by the locals from Wugal Wugal and the Bloomfield district.

• Daintree River car ferry – there is no bridge.
• Cow Bay ( the nearest pub)
• Myall Creek
• Thornton Beach
• Cape Tribulation Beach, the ultimate 'where rainforest meets the reef' tropical beach'
* Cape Trib various bars and meals available
* The gravel road starts just beyond Cape Trib and it's 4WD only past Emmagen Ck.
* Shopping & petrol available at Wugal store and Ayton.

North to Cooktown...
The Bloomfield Airport is a couple of ks north of Ayton, regular services to Cairns.
The Lion's Den (nearest pub going north), mostly bitumen all the way.
* Cooktown, historic town with pubs, cafes and plenty to see.

Woobadda Creek,

• Woobadda Creek, which has a swimming hole upstream and the beautiful, and remote South Cowie Beach.

• Emmagen Creek. This is also popular, beautiful and a great photo stop. Take the track upstream (not down) on the south side of the creek for swimming holes.

Bloomfield Falls

• Bloomfield Falls, a place of particular cultural significance to the Kuku Yalanji people.

Bloomfield River crossing at Wugal Wugal

Google Earth view

Rainforest near the river mouth

The shallow horse crossing a few hundred meters upstream from the Boatshed
a favourite spot in the late afternoon to catch a mangrove jack


At February 2, 2010 at 3:49 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Giday Ronnie. Nice site, but not accessible if you click on the pages from Australia button in Google. Be good to see you again after all these years. Cheers, Piggy.


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